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How to win NIKE SNEAKER DEALS with an auto clicker? How to win NIKE SNEAKER DEALS with an auto clicker?

How to win NIKE SNEAKER DEALS with an auto clicker?




John -The Doe

John -The Doe

UM YES! I get the frustration of companies most of the time limiting you in the number of items you can buy and if you know me, you know I am a huge fan of getting 2 of my favourite sneakers- JUST IN CASE and also getting my best friend & my girlfriend to twin with me. The drip is cool AF bro, but for that you need to switch your proxy server in between two clicks which are happening so fast and if we go the manual way, I would never have my nike-off white dunks which truly are iconic. This was also yours truly's recurring problem and for the life of me I have not copped one sneaker till last year, but we live & learn and when we do we pass the knowledge to let others save their time. I promise I am not gonna nerd on you at all & start right from the basics. I mean it when I say that I make it extremely easy for you understand as well as follow the steps. GOT YOU!


Let's say you live in a country where the internet is restricted or you cannot use some websites because they are not available in your country. Now, when you try to access the website it goes through your proxy, the proxy server acts as a middleman between a user's computer and the internet (your destination website), retrieving web pages on behalf of the user, that is you. BUT BUT BUT- it is not like VPNs, Proxy servers and VPNs are different. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION- Compared to VPNs, proxy services tend to be comparatively unsafe, with their owners having the exact IP address of the end user. Majorly Proxy services are convenient for normal users because they are available on all mainstream operating systems without the need for installation. I know, most of us feel safe, when we don't need to install anything, at times I feel the same.


  1. Access to blocked content and websites
  2. Firewall for safe access to websites
  3. You can filter the content based on your preferences.
  4. Speeds are stabilised (saving bandwidth and internet costs)
  5. Element of privacy (hides the user's IP address)


  1. Relatively unsafe compared to a VPN
  2. Downtimes
  3. Lesser reliability if you purchase the proxy from untrusted sources
  4. Data is not encrypted.
  5. You might share the proxy with several users if the company decides to sell it that way.


  1. IP address
  2. Port for connection purposes
  3. User name and password to access (if paid proxy server)

Quickly, just to cover the basics, let's also discuss-

What is an Auto clicker?

Simply, a software that allows you to automatically and constantly click any number of times is an auto clicker. It is possible to set an auto clicker to repeat the recorded input, or to trigger it based on current settings saved in the computer which is the main feature helping us further. TECHNOLOGY & HUMAN GENIUS- AM I RIGHT? This software is very easy to customize since it has exactly the right options with micro-adjustable settings so that this automation doesn’t give you a major headache.


  • You can click really fast (upto 1000 clicks per second, if your system supports that kind of speed).
  • You can leave it running overnight while it does the  work.
  • You can record an entire loop of actions and run it again any number of times.
  • You can set up any custom interval or delay between two clicks.
  • You can click on any custom selected area or a point by selecting “click location”.

Okay, What can I do PRACTICALLY with it?

Who has not heard about the Nike brand and its crazy fan base across the world? Time and again, it comes up with lightning fast deals and sales for customers. You can grab those rare Air Jordans or even the latest line of Nike Pegasus Trails. But with so much demand and only a fraction of supply comes extreme competition for the purchase. There is a limited stock and even the resellers want to grab these shoes to sell them at a higher rate later on. So as soon as the sale is live, you need to go, enter all your details and click on the buy now button at a faster speed than a tiger. Even then, the chances of missing and entering the waiting list are huge. Sometimes, the server of the website is so much loaded that you can't even get to the page and the deal goes away. Here comes the role of an auto clicker and switching of the proxy servers. One can ask- is this like cheating? Well, I would say it's the survival of the fittest. Switching between different proxies would simply make sure that Nike's bots do not detect you using a mouse clicker, as you'd be coming from a different place (or IP) every time.

Using GG Auto clicker for getting the shoes-

You can download proxy switcher to start with. It's available in form of chrome extensions (really easy to use with GG) as well as for download in your PC. I'd recommend buying switching between 4-5 proxies during the sale depending on how exclusive the item is and how many people will be flooding the website at that time. Here are the further steps-

  1. Launch GG and visit the NIKE sneakers order page.
  2. Now click record and perform the entire loop once. It will involve refreshing the page, clicking on BUY NOW, entering your credit card details, and checking out (with any possible promo codes, if available).
  3. Save this action and now you just need to load this loop, turn on the proxy switcher and hit play.

Easy, eh?


  1. Is autoclicker safe to use?

Well, if you’re using our auto clicker (GG)- it’s completely safe and secure. It even has advanced features like click interval and click scheduling which will help you while switching the proxies without getting detected.        2. How to stop an auto clicker? You can stop the software by pressing the hotkey. You can assign any convenient key on your keyboard as a hotkey. This same key will be used to start the mouse clicker again.       3. Are auto clickers legal or legit? Take it with a pinch of salt, honestly nobody cares. People use them all the time to bag deals while shopping, to play games or just saving some hassle for their fingers during repeated clicks.       4. Why is my auto clicker crashing? There can be multiple reasons. One of the major reasons is when you use a low RAM in your system, it is not able to take the load, especially as fast clicking takes a lot of resources. Another reason could be that the mouse clicker you are using is infected with a virus. Only download from authentic sources.       5. Where is the recorded file in my auto clicker?  When you record something, you get two options. You can save it on the computer. In that case, it is saved as .csv and gets downloaded to the desired folder. Otherwise, just save it within the tool. It can then be retrieved from the “load” option in GG.

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John -The Doe





12 March

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