Why GG?

Chrome extension


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About the Author

Dear dope people of the internet,

A very merry good morning or evening to y'all! I am Tae Gong-sil this side, a gamer, sneaker-head, software tester and the idea-tor and one of the creator of GG auto clicker. After this basic intro, let’s dive deep into my story of how I build it and maybe interest you some?   I know, I know, most of you don’t give a shit about the story and how and why I created this auto clicker but for the 0.01% of y'all who do, keep reading. gg-autoclicker-author  

*so* Who/What sow the seed man?

Well, it all began when I got my first computer at 12, which my parents thought might help me in studies, projects, recitals and debate but all I ended up doing with it was play games. The rush, the wild was insane, you won't believe it or maybe you will- bruh I’ve played hundreds of games till date, be it classic Nintendo games of the 90s haha y'all recall those to the ones we play today in 2022. Cut back to this lockdown in 2020, like everybody I was stuck at home, locked in with nothing to do, so I turned to my long lost love again, GAMING- I started with minecraft and when I first played it, honestly the game looked dumb to me (which I am sure, it did to 99% of us). However, apart from looking dumb, the continuous digging low-key annoyed me a lot. I loved building structures, but the digging part made me feel like a fu*king robot. In the start, I thought I was the lazy one, but it was the same story with my friends as well. Here, it started feeling like somebody should solve this! And then, as the metaverse talks started gliding in, I moved on to Roblox and other similar games, and the PVP over there was so competitive, I and my friends just kept firing bullets with closed eyes. ESPECIALLY Games like Tekken had it even worse, we would just keep pressing those fixed sets of keys randomly without knowing what each of the keys does. We almost broke our keyboards multiple times while pressing the keys with full force and speed haha fun times but dude you can't imagine the cost.  You get it, I think I should stop with the gaming experiences, you got my point, right?  

Finally, How did it start?

So basically, this was the first time when yours truly and THE two friends, who are now the co-developers of this tool, looked for some tools or tricks to automate these boring tasks. At that time, we didn’t know what we were looking for but all we wanted was to find a tool which will automate and make shift everything that makes doing the things we love easy and also spare my wrists.  In between the quarantine madness and not being able to travel, I then grew up, got exposed to sneakers specially the MJs or as for you the AJ1s and 3s. For some reason, after every few days, I had an urge to just order anything, doesn’t matter whether I needed it or not, especially sneakers. Even after waking up at 5 in the morning, being all ready with my mouse and laptop to cop the Jordans, but you already know I COULD NEVER. At first I blamed it on my internet, but when I got to know even my friends couldn’t get it, we understood we needed to be quicker. Let’s fast forward it to 2017, when I graduated from my engineering college and got my first job as a Software Tester. Before my first day at my job, I was really excited, watched social network and was really hyped up for coding. Guess what? I was put into manual testing (not even automation) where all I had to click and check different parts of the UI whether they work or not as well as create stupid test cases for them in excel. If I got lucky, I was given a few SQL queries to create at time. But other than that, it was just boring labor work. The other two friends I had, got placed in good companies at proper development roles but little did I know, even they were as frustrated as me. Even in their jobs, a lot of syntaxes kept repeating and all in all a lot of the tasks they had could be automated easily.  In fact, they had it even worse, if in their company’s laptop they didn’t click or move their mouse for more than 10 minutes, they’d be shown as away and all of the active and away information went directly to the HR.  From my experiences in games to shopping to my job, I’ve always looked for some tools or auto clickers that could automate my tasks and save my precious time. I even got to know about a few of these, but most of them either had some viruses that would force me to format my computer or just wouldn’t even perform basic tasks that they say they’ll do. After all this, I got frustrated, took the matter in my own hand and decided to create an auto clicker of my own. But the problem was, I had very little coding knowledge at that time and this is when I discussed the idea with my friends and both of them decided to join. With some coding knowledge and a huge understanding of what the user actually needs, we finally created GG auto clicker. We knew all the problems that the users might already have faced with such tools and created one that just worked, straight up without any bull*hit. Basically, our heading “An auto clicker that works, no bs” depicts exactly what this tool is. At first, we researched the technical part and managed to build an auto clicker. But then we realized an auto clicker wouldn’t solve even half of the problems that we faced. So we kept researching the user needs from quora, reddit, youtube comments and any other platform we could to understand what more features could be added. We even used almost every other auto clicker in the market rigorously to see what all of them have been doing wrong. After spending months into the research, with good coding knowledge and a great understanding of what the user actually wants, we finally created GG auto clicker. Our aim was to create an auto clicker that had all the features a user might need and just straight up worked, without any bulls*it. Basically, our heading “An auto clicker that works, no bs” depicts exactly what this tool is. Hundreds of people till date have posted positive reviews about the tool and if we talk about our experiences with GG, we can’t even count how many instances it has helped us out in. From shopping and games to automating most of the testing  and development part in our jobs or even spamming friends or pranking them, it has been there with us. It feels really great when I look back and see how we connected the dots and solved all the problems with this auto clicker that me and millions of other people were facing. Even now, the journey hasn’t stopped and we’ll keep trying to make it better with every update we release. If we talk about our experiences with GG, we can’t even count how many instances it has helped us out till date. From shopping and games to automating most of the testing  and development part in our jobs or even spamming friends or pranking them, it has been there with us.